The precious viewpoint is being restored and degraded simultaneously.
Cattle Point and other sectors of Uplands Park are priceless, urban, natural areas that are
benefiting from 30 years of ecological restoration. A truly inspiring story.
Conversely, this extremely popular point continues to be degraded by relentless trampling
everywhere. This helps to spread invasive Carpet Burweed and Crow Garlic, for example.
This site still lacks a clear and formal trail system to direct and control foot traffic.
This contradiction calls for our attention. The location and value of various signs, plaques,
benches, tables, fences and a modest portable toilet added “spontaneously” over the years
also need examination. This special site needs smart, basic and professional infrastructure that can handle large numbers of visitors.

This preliminary plan is meant to kickstart a serious conversation. Cost of a detailed plan,
construction and maintenance will be estimated pending approval in principle. Realistically,
costs may exceed $500,000, a sum unlikely available to the Oak Bay park service. Fundraising
will likely be necessary.

This plan coincides with the U.N. Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, which was endorsed by
the District of Oak Bay, and the centenary of Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary.
Cattle Point is a popular viewpoint on this historic bird sanctuary established on Oct. 27, 1923.

Cattle Point is a “living museum” in the District of Oak Bay. It is a perfect window on the Salish Sea, an archeological site, a historic site, an Urban Star Park, an ebird hotspot and a
remarkable natural area. Endowed with natural beauty, it features a rare maritime meadow with vernal pools, seeps and 20 species of rare plants, many at risk. Uplands Park and Cattle
Point’s Garry Oak forest, meadows and associated ecosystems are among the best of the last
in British Columbia and Canada.

Thanks to Paul de Greeff, Landscape Architect and Green Shores Expert, and Wylie Thomas,
Botanist and Restoration Specialist, for their advice.
Jacques Sirois, April 25, 2022
partner, Greater Victoria NatureHood