The Greater Victoria Naturehood is a collaborative effort by several not-for-profit, public and private organizations. A list of the partners appears below. Representatives from Nature Canada and Canadian Wildlife Service serve as advisors to the partners.
The purpose of the collaboration is to work more effectively together to connect residents and visitors with the nature that can be found in and around the Greater Victoria region so that they are more inclined to protect and restore it.
To achieve this goal, the partners individually and collaboratively offer a broad range of activities with special attention to those that would engage children, youth and families. Details about these activities can be found by following each partner’s website link also listed below.
Organizations that are value-aligned and in agreement with the Terms of Reference for the Greater Victoria NatureHood are invited to join this remarkable collaborative effort.
The Greater Victoria Naturehood is a project undertaken with the financial support of Environment and Climate Change Canada.
Partner Organizations
Canadian Wildlife Service - Pacific Region
Capital Regional District/Esquimalt Lagoon Stewardship Initiative
Community Association of Oak Bay
District of Saanich/Saanich Park
www.saanich.ca › main › parks-recreation-community
Eagle Wing Tours
Friends of Shoal Harbour Society
Friends of Victoria Harbour Migratory Bird Sanctuary
Gorge Waterway Action Society
Habitat Acquisition Trust
Municipality of Esquimalt/Parks and Recreation
www.esquimalt.ca › parks-recreation
Municipalty of Oak Bay/Parks, Recreation & Culture
www.oakbay.ca › parks-recreation
NatureKids BC
Rocky Point Bird Observatory
Swan Lake/Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary
Stewardship Centre of BC
Victoria Natural History Society
Wild Outside (Canadian Wildlife Federation)
World Fisheries Trust
World Wildlife Canada
Nature Canada/Naturehood
Canadian Wildlife Service
The Greater Victoria Naturehood is a collaboration of non-profits, public and private organizations working together in Greater Victoria to connect residents and visitors with nearby nature, for the purposes of nature conservation, preservation and restoration.